Moroil has specializes in the textile fluids over the last 40 years. We offer knitting oils, sewing machine oils, and shear oils.
Shear Oils
MorOil Shear Oils are non-staining and prevent wear, extending the amount of time between re-sharpening shear blades
Sewing Machine Oils
The SM oils contain additives to protect moving parts and extend the useful life of the oil. SM 1000 and SynSew lines reduce leakage and staining
Knitting Oils
Designed specifically for use on modern, high-speed knitting machines. These oils provide excellent protection for needles, needle cams, needle cylinders dials, sinkers, and sinker rings. MorKnit 3000, 5000 and 8000 series products also contain effective emulsifier system to aid in removing knitting oil from greige goods prior to dyeing/finishing.
Creating Quality Industrial Lubricants